Last Supper, some Pottery and Still Life with Retro Devices
TitleLast Supper, some Pottery and Still Life with Retro DevicesArtistSebastian SchagerMediaSpraypaint, acrylic paint, goldleafMaterialsCanvas: (15 Tiles) / MuralDimensionsCanvas: 90x150cm / Mural: 11x2mYear2017 / 2021InfoMural painted for Erste Bank Restaurant ViennaAvailabilityOpen for commission
Matthew 26:17-30 „20 When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve. 21 And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.”
The design for this over 10m long mural on four sides of a central column of a restaurant dates from 2017. The interior designers responsible chose the motif as the starting point for the commission, which envisaged a further three walls. The Last Supper, inspired by Tilman Riemenschneider and inhabited by the most famous comic characters, is joined by Greek vases, an amphora and a hydria with flower in graffiti style. The second long wall is decorated with a still life inspired by Willem Claesz. Its classical composition is combined with retro devices, which enter into a humorous dialogue with the purpose of the building. The restaurant is located in a building whose upper floors house a campus of the Erste Bank to train new cyber businessmen. Amen
The original artwork from 2017 was is split in 15 tiles and given to different people as a christmas present. Might all tiles find each other one day :) and might Tom not betray Jesus 3 times!
Last Supper, Wiki 2017: The overall narrative that is shared in all Gospel accounts that leads to the Last Supper is that after the Triumphal entry into Jerusalem early in the week, and encounters with various people and the Jewish elders, Jesus and his disciples share a meal towards the end of the week. After the meal, Jesus is betrayed, arrested, tried, and then crucified. Key events in the meal are the preparation of the disciples for the departure of Jesus, the predictions about the impending betrayal of Jesus, and the foretelling of the upcoming denial of Jesus by Apostle Peter.